When someone works with homeless people and gets infested with fleas.
Hey do you want to hang out with Sarah this weekend? No, that girl is the fleas knees.
by faithie822 February 20, 2017
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The banged up knees children get when playing outside in shorts and dresses that don’t protect their knees from cuts and abrasions. It’s a wonderful phase for I absolving parents of the guilty from inevitable summer injuries.
Example: “How did Leroy cut his knee?” (With the suggested guilt implied of weren’t you watching him and why haven’t you bandaged it yet?)
Parent response: “Oh, he just has summer knees.”

Excellent phrase for free-range parents to know.
by SailOnJoe April 26, 2018
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Something a white person says if they are trying to act black.

Also meaning cool, flavor of the month, etc.
by fuckyourshit September 2, 2016
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- “You know Nicole Wheaton?”
- “Yeah! She’s the bees knees!”
by Glennyyy February 19, 2019
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Body part used to navigate a motor vehicle with while changing radio station or conduction an imaginary orchestra.
" I use this har hillbilly knee to drives to the licker store for my's beverages".
by Hillbilly Wannabe December 30, 2009
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when her boobs are so big and saggy, they can be manipulated in a seated position by bouncing them off of her knees perhaps by her knees.
See that bitch sitting over there? I wish she would stop tapping her foot because her knee puppets are flopping around like a fish out of water.
by christpanda August 27, 2011
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