An extremely annoying person. Such as a crazy ass girlfriend or boyfriend or just plain stupid friend.
"Blah, Blah, Blah......OMG shut the hell up you Twait-sickle"
by Hitchcockian-theory1 October 3, 2011
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A slang word for a tall, dirty, hippie, usually wears proper dress. Also known as Cavemen, or Yetis.
Look at the Paul Van Sickle, he probably doesn't shower
by Kronnnniks March 11, 2010
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School ran by kevin lotero aka lil kevo
Since the day he hoped in 10th grade kicked out from gaither high shool
Sickles high school ran by kevin lotero
by Sickles high school February 26, 2019
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The act of pissing into a thin tube, freezing it, and fucking someone with it until it melts.
Bro I did a Californian Ice Sickle on Jasmine last night. She Loved it.
by Niggerboiqueef December 6, 2016
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Sickles highschool is only good because of its lacrosse team. Every other team is dog shit and will never beat sickles. No other sport compares and also mr Gilbert can suck my dick
Oh they go to sickles high school? I bet they are good at lax
by I def don’t play lax November 21, 2021
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Sickles highschool is only good because of its lacrosse team. Every other team is dog shit and will never beat sickles. No other sport compares and also coach joe can suck my cock
Oh they go to sickles high school? I bet they are good at lax
by I def don’t play lax November 21, 2021
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1. noun An awkward teacher who has had the great misfortune of dealing with freshmen in many previous years.

2. verb The act of awkwardifying a situation; to make others uncomfortable

3. adjective Someone who is able to pull off the "undone" look with their hair, while still maintaining a cute little faux-hawk
1. "Mr. Van Sickle is losing it... he's been with the freshmen for almost two weeks now."

2. "Today was so weird! Mikel totally Van Sickled the class by saying something stupid!"

3. Noah is so Van Sickle... he totally pulls off his messy hair look."
by govecon1234 September 16, 2011
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