Doing random shit you might find with the things in walmart. Examples: baseball with a football and bat, throwing a ball across walmart, etc.
Me: hey bro lets go do walmart shenanigans
Bro: ok sounds fun
by boaz274 December 18, 2017
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If you hear the words backdoor shenanigans and your face lights up like a Christmas tree you know what it is.

The act of playing fuck fuck games while pounding your lover in the ass.
Ian had to politely asked Ben to stop all the backdoor shenanigans, until after he applied his anal ease cream.

Andy and Rick are always participating in backdoor shenanigans.
by Valtrax June 18, 2009
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Attempt by a fat fucker to mount his woman during act of fornication....resulting in severe catastrophic failure when fat fucker can't complete mission due to severe penile atrophy and nicotene fit; resulting in another cigarette, another whiskey-dick and coke, and another unsatisfying sexual encounter for his beloved.
Tony is the king of the "Donkey Shenanigans", just ask his old lady....she has knick-named him "Donkey Kong"--king of all "Donkey Dhenanigans".
by Brock Huard April 15, 2005
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Calling Shenanigans gives you complete control over a given situation. Rules in calling shenanigans.

1. Use in order of personal gain
2. Use to make an enemy less cool
3. Use to make yourself cooler
4. Use to make a situation funnier
5. Use randomly on facebook
To Call Shenanigans
Teacher asks a hard question and no one can answer it. After she gives the answer she proceeds to tell how easy it was to get correct. Suddenly, Sean yells out "I Call Shenanigans". everyone starts laughing and the teacher realizes her foolishness.
by Sam189 June 19, 2009
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"midnight shenanigans" a feeling or urge you get from midnight to 5am these urges include sudden rushes of energy, hornyness, wanting to do hella drugs, and being down for just about any type of crack head shit
"yo i feel them midnight shenanigans coming along nadia"
"Sit the fuck jazz"
by KI$$THEMOON April 28, 2020
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Verb (Slang)
To carry out a penetrative sex act involving multiple dildos, usually in exchange for money, and often in the presence of elderly men.
Dude I can't hang out tonight. I've got to go run bags at shenanigans.
by Magnus Smarticus December 15, 2012
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A group of rowdy rednecks on the south end of columbus and obetz. Known for their shenanigans and drunk activities every weekend since 2005. One badass group.
south side shenanigans drunk rambling, bowling drunk, beer pong, smashing mailboxes, drunk fishing, DWI, stealing traffic cones, syrup and sprite
by fuckassdrunk February 3, 2010
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