the ancient art of stealing items from a store by placing them under the shopping cart and hiding them during the checkout process.
we went to the grocery store and kyle riced a whole pack of toilet paper!
by cubbiebear22 January 24, 2008
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The last name of the lovely, first black woman Secretary of State. Condoleeza Rice can be referred to also as the "Third most powerful person in the US Government", as she is just under President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.
I love to eat rice. I also love the gorgeous woman Condoleeza Rice.
by Journey Fan March 29, 2005
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Did you see the new Captain America, he riced the fuck out of those dudes in the elevator scene
by TarheelSwag704 September 17, 2014
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1. An oriental-based food that originated in Asian cultures; 2. Any vehicle that resembles any Asian-based auto (ex. Honda; Toyota; Scion; etc.)
Any Japanese automobile that has a custom exhaust, bearing a diameter of more than 3 inches. This exhaust, when reved from the engine, makes an unattractive sound called Rice-Burning.
by PGII April 10, 2007
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- Why does he rev at everyone?

- He its a ricer, what do you expect.
by -Big_Cat- April 2, 2012
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