An alien that can change her weight every day by the hundreds and shit money. It's famous for single-handedly twisting American women round it's finger turning them into it's bitches. It has an ego the size of the universe, and henceforth believes the universe revolves around itself.
I'm Oprah winfrey. give me your life.
by OPOPL October 25, 2009
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The act of acknowledging fault to and seeking absolution from Oprah for an indiscretion so offensive that forgiveness from any other deity will not suffice.
Fergie, the Duchess of York, will offer her Oprah Culpa on June 1, 2010.
by meanjavabean May 30, 2010
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The saying that defines the truth. Since Oprah knows all. Can only be used when you know that you are right.
I didn't beat my wife! She tripped over the coffe table! True story....Heard it on Oprah!
by hagnfag December 22, 2010
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When you reach a level of intoxication where your speech turns into that of famed talk show host Oprah Winfrey. At this point in alcohol consumption everything is your favorite thing and needs to be announced in a loud voice. Being Oprah drunk is being equated with being the asshole of the party.
"Dude you ok?"

"No, I'm druuuuuuuuunk! Everyone's getting a text, you get a text, you get a text, everyone gets a text!"

"Your Oprah drunk"
by Chakaface September 30, 2013
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When you buy a brand new car and some fuckass commits grand theft auto immediately after.
Unlucky Guy 1: "Fuck man, I really just walked outside to realize somebody pulled a reverse Oprah on me..."

Kinda Sad Guy 2: Sorry dude.
by AllOfGarden June 13, 2019
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fat thing of indeterminate gender (posing as a female) that is a major cause of the soccer mom craze worldwide. Host of a television show that broadcasts insincerity and bitchiness across the world.
Get rid of NASCAR and Oprah Winfrey and America will be perfect again.
by Invierno October 16, 2005
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