A name used to jokingly insult someone. More commonly used when the person is doing something that mildly inconveniences you.
Micheal just stole my bag of cheese puffs, what a nasty hag.
by The-Soot-Cloud May 4, 2018
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Damn, I missed the roach coach, guess I'll have to eat the bag nasty
by A Young Gun July 2, 2006
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Another name for Kermit, Jenna Marbles' dog.
Kermit, you're like a Hot Pocket. Hot on the outside and Nasty on the inside, cause you a nasty boy.
by EverythingIsGlueEvenYou December 20, 2018
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Nasty Phillio, n.

Preceding coitus, patting, then rubbing vigorously goat shit across the eyes of a lover, then taking an axe to give this lover a nice set of cloven feet….er manually, that is to say split their foot up with the axe about 6”. Then proceed with coitus.
After dragging his sweet Catherine behind a pickup truck while having his meth’d up friends throw bricks and bottles at her and cursing her terribly, Jo-Jo decided a “Nasty Phillip” was in order!
by Red monster boy April 4, 2022
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Another name for a girl's pussy (usually when it's bare)
Bertha was walking around the house wearing nothing but a long T shirt airing out that nasty cat of hers.
by Nutsack McCluskey August 25, 2006
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Sex in a public place, where one of the participants is wearing a suit and tie.
"Tompkins! Give me some Nasty Butler."
"In the vegetable aisle, madam? Certainly. Right away HNNNG"
by Sindy Anna Jones January 6, 2020
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A cross between the phrase "butt-ugly" and the word "nasty." In other words, it is the highest degree of nasty.
"That...is the most BUTT-NASTY FACE I have EVER seen."
by Darian Johnson May 16, 2006
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