If you're thirsty, find yourself a squirter. Collect, Bottle, and save for later.
Portable mouthwash always quenches my thirst after a long run
by Farkle Safari January 4, 2019
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The act of unloading a clip off a mack 10 in someones mouth.
I heard he was talking crap, so he took em out to the back and gave em the old mack 10 mouthwash.
by the xlaxer June 15, 2010
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(rectal mouthwash) is when someones passed out at a party pulls down there pants and (poops) in the past out persons mouth while its open, and they swish it around while snoring. Thats (rectal mouthwash)
My drunk friend passed out with his shoes on and broke the house rules so i Plopped a big turd In his mouth and he enjoyed his snoring (rectal mouthwash)
by parachute bandit February 27, 2016
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When you drop your drawers and bare-ass fart into your sleeping friend's open mouth as they are breathing in, causing them to jump awake and spit.
Dude, John is passed out with his mouth wide open. You should go and give him a methane mouthwash and see how fast it makes him stop snoring!
by Mr. Led Zeppelin March 22, 2020
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A morning mouthwash is when a person wakes up another one by spunking in their mouths leaving a morning mouthwash
Guy1: I totally gave him a morning mouthwash this morning

Guy2: damn bro that’s nasty!
by Frank Reynolds has aids September 14, 2018
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When you have cotton mouth from smoking weed and you wash it down with alcohol and you get a little drunk but more high.
"I was in the woods smoking with Billy last weekend and we didn't have water, only busch so I was mouthwashing that shit"
by gangweoutthisbutch October 10, 2018
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Bong MouthWash :
When you swish the bong water in your mouth like mouthwash.
Stoner: Bro, I forgot to bring water to my smoke sesh, and my mouth was dry as a camels pussy.
Stoner #2: And?
Stoner: I had to Bong Mouthwash.
by MegaMilky April 29, 2021
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