A God Amungst Men
He Might Not Be Able To Spell But He Sure is Better Then You
Dam That Leonardo Frederico Brizellious Sure Is Fucking Great Id Slap My Own Mother To Be Him Just For A Day
by Martha Stuart March 21, 2005
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The haredest contest between actors ever...in the history of the world!
Both are extremely hot, both are talented, and both are married to me.
Me: Hey who do you think is hotter Johnny Depp or Leonardo DiCaprio?

Friend:So it's like a Johnny Depp vs Leonardo DiCaprio?

Me: Yup

Friend: Dude...I have no idea! It's so hard to choose!

Me: I know right!
by Otter Girl April 24, 2010
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Leonardo x Gonzo is an amazing hot ship (that should be canon) Leonardo wants to protect Gonzo which is very hot. Gonzo is a bottom and Leonardo da Vinci is a top.

From web toon series One Hundred + One spells. (READ IT)
Wow! Did you see that new Leonardo x Gonzo moment? They're super gay! Definitely enemies to lovers.
by Pookiedoodoopoopiepp November 25, 2021
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A very strict person that will only speak when there is a reason too. Has a great sense of humor. Most likely to become a legend famous. Is truthful and understanding towards friends and family.
Hey Leonardo what’s up?
by Ghoslikey September 12, 2020
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Leonardo, i call him leo or sometimes Lion hehe well he’s a cute guy,a very loyal boyfriend,he can play guitar & He can speak 4 languange (English,Indonesian,Germany,Mandarin) not just that he’s also very smart and DAMN HANDSOME!🖤
Leonardo Northman
by Chuu vi November 24, 2021
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