The act when someone claimed what’s your as theirs.
Someone approached me to share my camping tent, eventually told me to leave and took it as his.

- looks like I got israeled by him.
by TabirAlam October 24, 2023
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It's when someone takes over something that does not belong to them and when you want it back they will kill you and cry in their social media with ai generated photos and somehow people are stupid enough to believe them
Nick: Bro, my neighbor stole my favorite video game and he won't give it back to me.

Leon: Looks like you just got Israeled.
by Ahmednotisraeledland October 28, 2023
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New word: "Israeled" (verb) expulsion of a rightful owner by a trespasser. // The act of inviting oneself and friends to share a place with a stranger in a public place, only to subsequently request the stranger to vacate the place to accommodate a larger group's meeting or social gathering.
A: Someone asked to share your table at a coffee shop and then asked you to leave the table because they have a meeting??? Damn you got Israeled! // Looks like you have been Israeled!

B: Yes, and his Justification was : "my horoscope said that I should be sitting at this table so it's mine and if I'm not gonna steal someone else is gonna steal it"
by Someone else number 3 October 22, 2023
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A generic phrase meant to silence any valid criticism or even simply perceived criticism of Israels methods with regards to Palestinians and Palestine as a whole. The question is… How can a “defending” nation be making territorial gains?
Concerned Human: “So many innocent Palestinian children have died from IDF bombardments…”

Israeli shill: “Israel has the right to defend itself.”
by Kind Scholar October 22, 2023
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