As the population grows over it's potential, the evolutionary process begins to take place. Humans will adapt to be able to perform autofellatio in order to reduce sexual desire. This will cause a dramatic drop in rates of sexual intercourse, allowing the human population to return to a more reasonable size that the one we cannot currently maintain.
The world is getting to large. Evolution must take place, as it did in other organisms. The way humans will adapt to influence a decline in a sizable population is the Autofellatioic Evolution of Humans.
by Ace. October 17, 2012
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A phrase identical to "Oh my god!", only inserting 'evolution' where 'god' is, to fit your belief on Human existence.

Ome is the abbreviation of oh my evolution, equivalent to omg.
"Is that my crush over there, checking me out! Wow, he winked and said come here!! Oh my evolution!!!!!!"

THIZ IZ JULEE: LOLOL, ur soooooo funny! OME!
marthaa said: Hahahah OME OME OME Hhaha.
by Julee Harris October 28, 2007
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Club evolution was thee greatest club of all time at Clarion University! The jungle juice was by far the greatest while the men of “Club Evo” were a close second. People of all kind attended these parties with one intention. 🤟🏼 Club evolution was established in 2004 or 2003. Club evo was made up of Jocks, and intramural all stars alike... Club evo gave us hope!!! FLY EAGLES FLY
Clarions club evolution- Yo, you going to club Evo tonight.
by Rocky51 October 3, 2019
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A Gamer Gang that has unimaginable gaming skills in nearly every video game category
Yo man remember that gang over at the game tournament?

Yeah the sik six what happend to them?

They got their asses beat by New World Evolution

Oh shit that's not good, were doomed
by NWE Leader April 25, 2004
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A movement that seeks to have mandatory classes on evolution in all high schools. It seeks to fight the false idea of creationism by having the truth taught in schools. It also seeks to educate the public on evolution.
by Deep blue 2012 May 12, 2010
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The final game featuring Some of the Street Fighters. This game was nowhere near evolution, and should have been called Capcom Fighting Basics.
This game might seem cool when you first play, but you will regret thinking that after a few months.
I loved this game when I played it, after a few months I nearly cried when playing it. Don't get the game. It SUCKS
by Vin Valentine July 25, 2005
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The greatest series of football games (soccer to the damn yanks) for the Playstation 2 ever, beats FIFA's ass every time due to consistently better gameplay and the fact that FIFA is for pussies and charlatans. Most recent version is Pro Evolution Soccer 5 which should be owned by all proper men.
Get all the lads round mine for beer, smoke and Pro Evolution Soccer.
by thealmightycraig June 20, 2006
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