divorcing one's wife or dumping one's girlfriend in order to get out of debt due the overspending of one's girl friend
Guy 1: Dude i got debt relief yesterday.
Guy 2: You are in debt?
Guy 1: Yea my girl friend was bleeding me dry so i dumped her.
by OnlySlightly July 21, 2010
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you arecrippled crippling debt
by go die mr123456789 December 19, 2017
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Debt parking is when friends or extended family ask to use your home's address to have their bank/credit card statements sent to. And also any other debts they want to dump. They then max their cards to the hilt and do a runner, leaving the debt collectors and bailiffs knocking on your door demanding the money!
Leyton: Man, remember that dude Rick?

Mike: Who, dat div you let stay at your den a few months ago?

Leyton: Yeh man, next time I see him he's gonna get smoked for sure.

Mike: Why? Whad'de do?

Leyton: He parked his debts here and last night I had da Mafia kicking down ma door!

Mike: Ah man, debt parking sucks!
by Johnnyawb March 17, 2007
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To beat you meat like it owes you money.
"Dinner's ready!" "One sec mum, I'm just gonna collect a debt over the internet, I'll be down in 5 minutes"
by xXmarauderXx December 4, 2009
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When one person unsuccessfully attempts to enslave another via discord
Andreas was an idiot and thought he could trick someone into a life debt
by Madeliefjetom December 18, 2018
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A game where everyone in Congress refuses to agree on a deal to raise the debt ceiling until the last possible minute. It's like regular chicken, but instead of driving cars at each other, politicians are using the economy.
John Boehner: I don't give a shit if our country turns into Mad Max 2. I'm going to win this game of debt ceiling chicken.
Barack Obama: Challenge accepted!
by themalk August 6, 2011
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A term for Ronald Reagan ,George H. W. Bush, and George W Bush the 3 presidents who created 90% of America's national debt
When Jimmy Carter left office America's total national debt was less than $1 trillion by the time George W Bush left office the national debt was $10 trillion, Reagan and the Bushes created 90% of America's national debt, known as the National Debt Trifecta.
by Mr.Juan-derful April 26, 2010
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