Get into a group, each person taps on a Chihuahua (or another small but aggressive dog) until it bites you, person whom it bites looses. Repeat until one person remains.
Chad: Yo, dude howd u loose your finger?
Frank: I lost in Chihuahua Roulette
by Big Hairy Moustache September 10, 2021
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The sudden sensation to eat baby chihuahuas
Dude, I went to my friend's house and his dog was running around barking like a maniac and I got HIT with Chihuahuaitis.
by KingFroggerdoodle February 22, 2010
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A tiny but mighty fart. A fart (usually cut

by a girl) that outkicks its coverage.
“Hooo-damn! That chihuahua fart ain’t make much noise, but GAH! whatta STANK!”
by Scoocuzi January 27, 2022
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An alcoholic beverage consisting of 2 parts good reposada tequila, 4 parts limeade, and one part Sprite.....perfect for getting wasted during a day- drinking session
We were on our back deck at the Jersey Shore getting smacked on Ay Chihuahuas
by Phillyfoldem April 22, 2022
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When EVERYTHING hurts down there. When your vagina is red and screaming for WHATEVER REASON and you’re lubed up from north to south and east to west with antifungals or just have your period.
I got my grandma panties on, ouchie chihuahua!
Ouchie Chihuahua Aunt Flo dame to visit!
by Nasmrad77ily November 17, 2021
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When you are blowing him and you let his balls rest on your tongue then you jiggle it
His ball was so big I got a cramp when I was tossing a chihuahua
by Francy Pants October 1, 2023
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Person 1: Ciao, mi amigo!
Person 2: Adiostas, Chihuahua Licker!
by Robohoe42 May 21, 2023
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