Bum a cigarette.

Derived from bogart a stosh.
Dude, can I bogue a stosh from you?
by stoshbogart April 9, 2004
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A phrase to be used when a friend, acquaintance or otherwise known person says something so utterly false and simply wrong, that you must quickly and deliberately inform them of their logical fallacy.
"Ass is better than boobs" said a jew
"Hocus pocus your opinion is bogus" said the greek
by Thechickenmaster6000 February 20, 2022
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A man who only speaks bogus facts usually of Maltesen descent
That Moynihan feen with Bogus facts at it as per usual . A bogus Moynihan
by Bogus master September 30, 2020
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1. Designated coordinates where a group of dudes gather to comit pure faggotry.

2. Eight dudes jamming nine dudes.

Joe goes to a frat party to be fully unsweet to see eight dudes jamming nine dudes --you know, a bogus dude jam zone.

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This kinda girls wears heart on their sleeves but are bogus; ravenous to eat"Kasam".
by CyanicAghora August 16, 2021
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When a homosexual(queer/gay/transgenders)-person trys to get you to let them suck your dick, when they obviously know your straight.(not gay.normal)
Man this Bogus-cryptic-real-life-situation about to have me punching out that fucking fag. He offered me $100 to let him suck my dick. He knows I'm straight. WTF
by Dee-endah June 12, 2023
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Detroit area mid 1970s. Possibly wider area,may have begun earlier; may have continued longer.

1. A strong negative feeling, usually rooted in negative social interactions, such as being bullied, being rejected in an unkind manner, or spectacular failure.

2. To behave unkindly or ruthlessly, outside of social convention.
1. Looks like Willy is feeling bogue.

Yeah, when he asked Dora to prom, in front of everybody she said she'd sooner gargle Drano.

2. That wax bogue as hell when you smeared dog shit on the door handles of that car.
by Gaylord Smüthbotham August 5, 2021
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