A party where a bunch of stoners goes to get baked
"Dude, I went to this party last night, and everyone was just laying around, eating Cheetos. turns out it was a blazer
by Knob Marley February 22, 2014
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1. A terrible SUV made by general motors.
2. A shit that really hurts your ass afterwords.
1.Sorry Tom, I cant make it to work my blazer broke down.
2. Ted: Hey Jeremy, why you walking so funny?

Jeremy: Because I took a blazer a little while ago, my ass is killing me!!
by CarShitz August 5, 2012
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When you creampie a woman’s ass, pinch it off, cum in her mouth, then scoop the cum out of her ass and feed it to her.
“I gave that girl the hottest blazer last night!”
by BostonDripper January 27, 2022
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Nickname for the ultimate cool dude with the surname Blazina.
Yo, the party was lit once Blazer walked in.
by Canada1974 May 27, 2017
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Jim:"I fucked that mary chick last night"
Larry: "I hope you wore a blazer the chick gets around"
by Ivan Caulfield April 10, 2011
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