when someone appropriates their own culture for attention and monetary gain. In contrasts to sell outs they are selling in. They are selling goods, particularly through the media, within their culture for a profit. They have little interests in their personal lives. They will normally end up marrying outside their race and living outside their community. However, they believe they are making a positive in their community. Instead they are sending conflicting messages.
Donald and Jordan are not aware of their conflicting appropriation. They want to bring awareness to racial issues through entertainment. Yet they show little interest in their personal life.
by Saharah Niles June 22, 2022
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The adaptation of a sub-culture by non fans/fashionistas.
Example of sub-cultural appropriation:

"Omg Becky, where did you get that trasher shirt I LOVE it."

"I got it at target! It was in the sub-cultural appropriation aisle, next to The Grateful Dead, Nirvana, and Harley Davidson March!"
by Terpthederp September 15, 2020
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Things, clothes, music, movies, games, etc. that are suitable for school.

(I.e. not violent, indecent, provocative or profane)

although most music isn't really that school appropriate
We're going to make a video for class, so make sure it's school appropriate
by Wild_Lil_Horse September 22, 2022
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1. A card played in Cards Against Humanity that sounds like it works and won't get your video demonetized, until you or someone else decided to read too far between the lines. See too appropriate

1b. A card played in Cards Against Humanity that actually works too well, so it doesn't get picked.

2. An excuse that shouldn't work, but it does. Works best in the form of something you might find on a notecard or some similarly sized, stiff, paper-like object
1. Well, the black card is “(Blank) reminds me of my weeaboo days” so an appropriate card is “sitting in my room with the lights out watching unrealistic videos by myself”… wait… that could mean something else…

1b. Well, the black card is “(Blank) reminds me of my weeaboo days” so I’ll play “being a weeaboo”. Wait, “sitting in my room with the lights out watching unrealistic videos by myself” won? I guess I played an appropriate card.

2. So, I was just getting arrested for stealing thousands of dollars of Hasbro games from Toys "R" Us, but I managed to grab the get out of jail free card from one of my new monopoly sets. Take that, racist cops!
by CaTastrophy427 July 11, 2018
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Basically cultural appropriation but specifically regarding memes. Memetic appropriation is when somebody says a meme reference but they don't actually understand the context behind the meme and have no idea where the meme originated from. They only say it because everybody else is saying it.
User 1: This joke ain't even funny
User 2: r/wooosh
User 1: Stop memetic appropriating, you didn't even spell the sub right

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A social construction by sociologists involving an unenforceable non-legally binding property right that doesn't actually exist which infringes on a person's right to extract facts from the public domain in the creation of their own intellectual property.
By creating a work of art, which is your property, which uses the language I natively speak, you are engaging in cultural appropriation, even though you can't copyright a natural language or dialect.
by qbert04 November 22, 2020
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Moronic idea that takes guilt by association... And uses it to justify literally segregating culture by race. The concept is believed to come from Western academic circles, now it's widely used by anti-white nationalists as a way of gaining power.
Person A: Hey, don't use that word! You're white, so that's cultural appropriation on your part!
Person B: Wait, I though you guys supported racial equality. Now you're trying to gatekeep culture by race, blood and soil style. Would MLK be proud of you?
Person A: He would agree with us! You whites were oppressing us POC for so long! Now you're trying to steal our culture!
Person B: How do you even steal a culture? Do you, like, lose an access to words when I use them? And besides, what "you whites" are talking about? I for one did nothing against your people, I wasn't even around during the times of slavery. And even if I was, I would likely be a serf. I'm from Russia.
Person A: But if you'll come to US, you'll benefit from the racist system. So it's only fair to compensate for it in advance by treating you as an oppressor, limiting your right for self-expresson, and...
Person B: ...and this is why I'm not coming to US anytime soon. Not until you guys come to your senses.
by Siberian Lynx August 12, 2023
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