When a woman/girl claims to be a virgin on the grounds that the only penetrative sex she's ever engaged in has been anal.
Jack: Dude, your girlfriend's a slut
John: No way, she was a virgin when we started dating
Jack: Yea, only cuz of the poop-hole loop-hole. Just ask Dave, Mike, Jamal, Terrence, Shaun, Shawn, Sean, and our biology teacher

John: :O
by jacktyronemartinez November 12, 2010
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Also referred to as "YHYH"

A phrase used to to justify sexual congress with an 'below par' partner. Generally viewed -correctly- as a futile attempt to placate friends and foes and have them desist in their -justified- attack.

Boaby: For the love of the baby Jesus Shuggy, what made you leave with that minger?
Shuggy: C'mon Boab yer hole's yer hole!
by SM73 July 18, 2006
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The clause by which a female may circumvent the moral law which dictates that a female should not engage in sexual relations prior to marriage by participating in anal sexual relations in lieu of vaginal intercourse. Additionally, the female will conveniently avoid risk of pregnancy while simultaneously preserving her virginity.
He: No, we cannot have sex, we are not married!
She: It's okay...we can use the poop hole loop hole and you can do me in the butt!
He: Sweet!
by Exit Only June 26, 2009
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An collegiate instructor who will take it upon themselves or self to ignore any realistically academic pursuit and instead nap inside their desk drawers and take lunch far too many times to be excusable.

These individuals are not to be trusted and are an immediate threat to society.
"Oh my god! What does it take to get an A as a grade around this campus? That Professor is such an A-hole.

(Similar to a black hole, an A-hole will destroy all chances at achieving passing grades in College Level Courses within which one is enrolled)
by Myself002 April 16, 2010
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The act of shoving your dick in a marine animal e.g dolphins or whales blow hole
Shoving yo dick in a whales blow hole. The Blow Hole Glory Hole
by Boinkysploinkey February 4, 2022
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