dude 1: did you make your march sparta bracket?
dude 2: You bring the crowns and heads of conquered kings to my city steps. You insult my queen. You threaten my people with slavery and death! Oh, I've chosen my words carefully, Persian. Perhaps you should have done the same!
dude 1: sry
by Jstorstorstor October 24, 2008
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A town in North West New Jersey that for some reason everyone hates. They think that everyone is rich and gets high everyday of their lives. Not everyone is rich! Sure people go to panera to socialize and watch movies and get some food, but usually not to get high or drunk or whatever. Lake Mohawk contrary to popular belief is not a sewage pit, but a clean lake filled with a variety of fish and wildlife. Wear people like to have fun and go on their boats. People wear short shorts and whatever, but look at every other town girls are wearing shorts up their butts too. Sparta has tons of great kids that almost always go to college right out of high school. It's a great place to grow up in and is very peaceful without violence and crime.
Sparta, NJ is one of the nicest places you can visit with great food and friendly people.
by ninjaturtlebabe July 11, 2011
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Off the movie 300 also used in parodies
This is madness! (the messanger from persians)

this is caketown!! (the king of spartans)

our bees will blot out the sun (persians)

then we will hug in the shade (spartans)
(parody on youtube search: 300 pg)


This Is Madness! THIS IS SPARTA
by Naikoe September 10, 2007
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A tiny ass town in the middle of nowhere. Old people often move here, once they've given up on life, to die. There is nothing fun to do so most teenagers drive around and hang out in the high school parking lot at night. The Majority of the population drive big ass trucks to compensate for their tiny dicks. And best believe the entire town will be at the high school football game every Friday night to watch their team lose.
I live in this little town called Sparta, TN, you've probably never heard of it.
by OneInchWarrior December 24, 2019
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The biggest club of Rotterdam. Feyenoord fans might disagree, but honestly who cares about them. Also home of world class footballers, like Abdou Harroui and Maduka Okoye
Woman: Whats the biggest club in Rotterdam?
Man: That has to be Sparta Rotterdam
by NotJoshuasSparta May 30, 2021
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A bunch of rich snobby pricks that think they're better than everyone
sparta township: population 100% assholes
by limpdrip March 27, 2019
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To sparta kick is to like drop kick someone, or you can like kick really hard into their butt or back. When you kick you yell out "FOR SPARTA". It came from the movie "300" when King Leonidas kicked the messager guy into the hole. For about a day it was known as "Yar Kick" to add epicness.
Denay: *putting stuff away in locker talking la la la la*
Andee: *lifts up leg and yells out*For Sparta! *kicks Denay*
Denay: &%$%^$*&(*^


Anna: oh my gawd i am going to sparta kick denay after lunch she got my ass like 5 times today
Angel: hahahah okay what ever anna
by annuhgator November 25, 2007
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