The style of masturbation used to represent the feather on the head of a quail. Palm down index finger loose and bent replicating the feather on a quail' s head.
I just got done doing the quail.

Bro, have you ever done the quail?
by Bryanbabe44 May 27, 2017
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A threat used to initiate a fight, battle, or duel
If you say one more thing about my mom, you can meet me at Quail.
by 8trill April 30, 2022
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When a man takes 1 or 2 of his testicles and squeezes in extra skin of his scrotum under the balls creating an illusion of a quail breast.
Man 1: (turns around) “bro wtf put your sack away”
Man 2: that’s an Oklahoma quail breast.
by Dirty bastard September 3, 2023
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1. Term used to denote taking the feathers off of game quail after the hunt before preparing for cooking.
2. A play on words for the popular phrase: "Save the Whales"..."Shave the Quails"
On the Official Website of Slab-City, there is a picture of the first guardshack upon entering Slab City, where the local residents painted "Shave the Quail", in protest of the hunting that diminishes the Quail population in the local desert area. A reference to hunters "shaving the quail" to eat, whilst the local population "saves the quails" by throwing out cracked corn to help them multiply.
by Quail Saver July 16, 2013
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The picture of 2 females smiling together in a fake and extremely sad attempt to befriend one another although they are enemies due to same love interest.....
Those quail gut broads over there are acting like besties.... Taking pictures at the club.... Lol
by mainchick760 October 3, 2016
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A general word meaning just about anything you want it to in a conversation. Can express contentment, relaxation, insults, or even happiness. Meant to confuse the listener and amuse the speaker.
Man, Quit being such a quail.

You want to come over and quail it up today?

Man 1: Dude, Jenny is being such a bitch

Man 2: yeah, really quailing over there
by str8sk8 July 20, 2011
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Quail is a nickname for those who act like idiots and are overall birds. Those who are labeled Quails often attribute the hair as their prized possession, just don’t mess with it.
Friend 1: Hey is that (random name)?
Friend 2: You can call him that but I’d prefer calling him Quail.
by Marbles&Envelopes January 5, 2019
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