the kind of relationship that happens when a best friend goes away whether death or moving or what ever circumstances, and the other best friend starts dating the girl that he ended the relationship with due to death or moving etc.
Bob: hey did you here John Moved to California

Jack: yea him and Mary broke up there relationship and then his best friend Justin started dating her

Bob:Well that sounds quite like a Pearl Harbor Relationship
by Boobiesboobiesboobies October 21, 2010
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Referred to as the "Q Bridge" by locals, a bridge in New Haven that separates Little Italy from Africa.
Person on Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge: "Once we get out of this bumper-to-bumper traffic, we'll be in Africa!"
by PersonFromNewHaven July 11, 2008
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When you're giving someone a traditional pearl necklace, but you slip up a little and leave a big pool of cum that resembles a harbor.
I was trying to do a Jackson Pollock, but I did a Rothko; it was a pearl harbor necklace.
by oyster_tiffany69 November 27, 2015
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an alcoholic beverage containing a mix of Midori melon liquer and pineapple juice.
I work at Chili's and some random old lady asked me for a pearl harbor!
by Lauren Belmonte January 18, 2008
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Pearl Harbor - verb - to shoot pearls of giz on an unsuspecting victim when she doesn't even realize you are in the room.
I sneaked in and shot a load on my personal trainers back while she was watching tik tok videos. She never saw it cumming, I totally pearl harbored her."
by Mr E Texas March 15, 2023
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To block a person on a social media platform, usually in the blink of an eye.
“Becky, are we not Facebook friends anymore? I’ve been looking for your profile and can’t find you!” - Jeremy

“I’d hate to break it to you, but I decided to Pearl Harbor you on Facebook. You kept commenting on my posts and it got extremely annoying!” - Becky

“Geez, I’m sorry! I was just trying to be a friend! Can we let bygones be bygones?” - Jeremy
by GoGetterCFerg July 14, 2020
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