A person throwing up. The word yam means to vomit, thus being the mayor of vomit city is one that is throwing up.
"dude, that last shot put me over the edge. I'm about to be the mayor of yam city."
by ILLINI November 18, 2007
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To grab ones breasts with such vigour and tenacity that you either get accosted or make her very horny.
I am going to Lord Mayor's Ruffle that #16
by Devvo wannabe April 10, 2015
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D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser renamed a section of 16th street, in front of the White House, “Black Lives Matter Plaza” and had the slogan painted on the pavement in massive yellow letters to honor demonstrators protesting the killing of George Floyd by police.
by Monkey's Dad June 8, 2020
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This show is not funny at all. I've seen about 10 episodes, and none of them have made me laugh. It is just the same idea recycled over and over, with tweaks to the plot here and there. The only funny episode has Tenacious D in it.
by Da Spud April 29, 2005
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1. The mayor of Shelby Township
2. Possibly the best reason to listen to Space Toilet
3. Trivia connoisseur

Also see Puddin' Pops Johnson
Ladies and Gentlemen, please rise, The Mayor of Shelby Township has just entered.

"It smells like budussy up in this bitch!" exclaimed The Mayor of Shelby Township
by Classic Dong January 15, 2011
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The place Mayor Wright “keeps” and kills his window licker collection.
When daddy dario said “Get on the bus” the mayor smiled when he saw its small size as he remarked in a satanic tone, “Finally, an fine addition to my Mayor Wrights Fun Dungeon”
by Mayor Wright October 24, 2018
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king of all the noobs, ruler of noobs everywhere, such a high-class noob they made him/her mayor.
"Wow, you suck, you must be the Mayor of Noob York City."
by El Fransico Porfavavor February 16, 2007
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