The man responsible for 90% of the worlds LSD. Got busted in the year 2000. Could you believe that? 90%! Thats why LSD is so rare to find these days. That sucks!

"The DEA maintains that Pickard and partner Clyde Apperson were responsible for manufacturing a majority of the LSD sold in the United States at the time of his arrest, citing a single post-arrest statistic indicating a 95 percent reduction in the drug's availability (where other sources have shown an historically falling interest in LSD). The DEA also maintains that besides the missile launch facility in Kansas, Pickard and Apperson had previously manufactured LSD in Mountain View, California, in Oregon and in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The DEA claims a Santa Fe lab they operated also consistently produced about 1 kilogram of LSD every five weeks. DEA estimates are that 1 kilogram of LSD is equal to 10 million doses with "street value" of $4 million, at 100 micrograms-per-$4-dose. Significantly, the DEA reported only six ounces (less than 170 grams) of ergotamine tartrate (the essential and difficult to obtain LSD precursor) were found in vehicles associated with the silo."
QUESTION-Hey, howcome LSD is so rare to find man?

ANSWER-Because that stupid chickenhawk William Leonard Pickard GOT BUSTED WITH 90% OF IT!
by Manmoss1234 July 7, 2009
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A gay asshole of a music director, now commonly used as in insult in upstate New York.

see douchebag
girl: You are such a steve leonard, go fuck your boyfriend you deny you have.
fag: he is NOT my boyfriend, we've just been roomates for 30 years.
by the first to go March 12, 2007
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the greatest person in the world, super sexy and passionite. ALSO has a GIANT dick.
larry leonard black awsome amazing sexy to good for you
by th blck ninja October 19, 2011
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The greatest in the world. A sweet face with an even bigger heart
I love that squishy wishy Leonard have you seen that squishy wishy face
by squishy wishy leonard July 11, 2022
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Jesse Leonard Discount is a kid who will steal you anything for a small fee. He his also usually a wigger or white indian
Riley: Oh man check out this wallet that jesse leonard stole me!

Keenan: oh noce bro! im gonna have to get myself a jesse leonard discount
by james cochrane January 6, 2008
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A name for a winter drink that is a mix of hot chocolate and Dr. McGillicuddy's methanol mint schnapps. It creates a nice warm feeling when the weather outside is frightful
zoof and I kicked back with a couple of sugar ray leonards and watched the snow fall

its super cold outside, we should mix up a couple sugar ray leonards
by h3RM December 23, 2010
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Albert Leonard is a cool ass school. Mad bitches with fat asses 🍑 and big Tittes. Mad rich white kids , black kids , mixed kids , and Hispanics . There’s always fights, people always skipping class, smoking in the locker room and at lunch💀. This school be litt asf. We way better than dirty ass isaac they school a bunch of Treeshes🤣!
Only Albert Leonard Middle School kids got money
Why all the cute bitches in Albert Leonard Middle School bro
by Coolkidsonlygg March 13, 2019
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