The cookers (see, cookers) have evolved their name in an attempt to try and reclaim the word 'cooker'. They have used the term 'kooka' to identify themselves as part of their Sovereign Citizen movement.

This tendency towards hate against vaccines, immigrants, LGBTQI+ as well as their overt Christian fascist tendencies have them aligning more with the USA's KKK.

Except they have traded white hoods, for white hats.
"Did you see Guru's channel the other day?"
"why, what are the Kooka Klux Klan up to now?"
"it will all be over soon, again."
by Nuremburgers 2.0 March 3, 2023
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A group of white supremacists who want to segregate or annihilate America "the great melting pot" from being formed by different nationalities, cultures, and race's but are to cowardly to show their redneck faces by hiding them behind home made cut up sheets. They blame minorities for their faults or failures in life and are afraid to live in the now. Most do not speak proper English and if they do, they are usually a mayor or sheriff in a small hick town or marsh. When not in disguise, they have on john deer hats and wear cut off flannel shirts, wife beater tees, and dingy jeans. Beware of the ZZ top beards, mullet hairdo's, and a long piece of hair hanging on the nape of the neck referred to as a tail.
Cum on Billy, lets get that negro he's mo edecated than we are. "No Colords allowed" White Power!!! No gays allowed unless you're a member of the Klu Klux Klan. No one's a gonna sleep with my sista but me!!!
by Call It Like I See It July 6, 2007
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A group of people mostly found in america who are really racist to all people except whites. They wear white sheets over their heads and usually try to kill anyone other than a white person.
Ku Klux Klan All Wear White Sheets Covering Their Heads.
Man1: "i see a black man"
Man2: "Lets Go Kill Him"

Thats how racist they are =)
by Leonni May 10, 2008
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A box or crayons consisting of all whites. Plus bonus points if you have swastikas and eagles all over the box.
Those arent just Ku Klux Krayons, those are Komplete Ku Klux Krayons.
by The Onioner February 17, 2022
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Literally the nicest, most generous, accepting people you will ever meet. They love to have bon fires and 'hanging' out by the old oak tree at night. They wear white robes and cover there faces other people won't feel unincluded.
Jeff: "Hey did you see the fire from that Klu Klux Klan burning the other night?"
Alan: "Yeah, it looked so fun. I wish I was invited."
by Chicagofire December 15, 2016
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a large cult mainly comprised racists, homophobics, anti-semetics, and casper the ghost look-alikes
klu klux Klan member 1: I hate black people
klu klux klan member 2: I live with my mom!
by jmchickens October 15, 2009
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