A variation of the world "cool". Orignially, it was built to be synonymous to the word "stupid". It's still in wide use today, but is normally used by n00bs whom are new to the internet.
"i am well kewl u no??" we know.
by Hazr0x August 20, 2006
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Jared. Not Jen, she is in second or third.
Jared is not just cool he is kewl.
by jared is kewler than jen April 26, 2005
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a kewter, more klever, kewler way of saying 'so cool'

alternative spelling: sokewl

"do you listen to some new britney spears?!"

-"ja, dat shyt is so kewl!"
by lyl2lyl December 21, 2011
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an expression of extreme awesomeness.
almost unhandleable awesomeness.
"dude i just built a scale model of the dalai lama with toothpaste and a box of fruity pebbles".

"KEWL BEANS!man that totally kewl beans
by Jade S-S October 20, 2007
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The act of jizzing into a glass of someones kool aid, when u say u are just guna put ice in it then watching them drink it
jorge- yo essay go put ice in ma kewl aid

you- sure*walks in kitchen and jizzes in drink*

jorge- wwat took u so long?

you- i umm had to freeze the cubes
by Edward - Jansher January 3, 2008
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the most osum way to explain a kewl situation. similar to the phrase "awesome possum" you can use it any time of day to describe kewl things
jon: hay, i just bought me self a horse

mikey: WOW! KEWL MULE!
by irock1234567 January 29, 2012
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adj- used to describe anything or anyone who possess or reflects the characteristics of being fly and or extremely fresh
-that dude is kewl-aiid
-that womans clothing is kewl-aiid
by Devon Batiz March 11, 2008
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