A word to describe a Devil or a creature from hell that wants you to feel pain.
-Why are you being a Frank?
-Cause I like satanic things
by xMatekax November 29, 2019
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A Person Thats Some Times Mean But Nice But Sometimes he has to steal money from his mom purse to get girls attention also sometimes he can be a son of a bitch
Mom: Hey Frank Ima Go In The Store watch my purse please son
Frank:ok mom
Frank:checks coast is clear

Frank:Grabs Money And Hide It In His Underwear
Mom:Walks to Car Checks Purse Why Am I Missing 100 Dollars FRANK GET YO ASS HERE
by Your Fucking Mom Here September 26, 2018
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A honest nice person

Erik is not a Frank person he is mean and dishonest like a fukc boiiii
by True Gay November 15, 2018
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The most chill human being you could ever be with, does not give a fuck about anything except for his friends whom he cares about and loves.
Guy 1: Wait...It’s frank!!
Guy 2: Fucking legend let’s go smoke weed with him
by CardboardMale March 14, 2021
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Why don’t you ever agree with me Frank, you’re such a hater.
by Trust me I’m a good friend October 25, 2019
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That one guy with a micropenis. He still gets all the bitches. Every bitch likes him. The boys dont like him because hes too bad for them.
Person1: You see Frank
Person2: Yea I fuckin hate him
by Micropenis10 April 13, 2020
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