Fern means fun. The word "Fern" replaces the word "Fun." It is fun but with an accent and different spelling.
Today was so fern!
by ^<^ December 5, 2018
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Fern is a strange and nearly extinct species of amphibian. They have a spot of hair on their head and yellow/green skin. Their eyes are usually an ugly periwinkle and/or A bright pastel yellow. She has long, sharp teeth and black spots on their eyelids. They are usually 7 Feet Tall and are considered to be "The Monster of The Ocean". If you encounter a Fern, punch it in the eyes and swim away and report it to anyone never by. Although we have never proved they are harmful we have to kill them off because we don't want to send in a human sacrifice. Sometimes Ferns breed with sharks, making the FARK. Farks are crazy mean demons from fucking hell.
Swimmer 1: Lifeguard! Lifeguard! I encountered a Fern!
Lifeguard: Oh no, Everyone ge tout of the waters!

*Fern swims up on shore and devours everything*

Swimmer: *coughs twice* TELL MY CHILDREN.. MY.. STORY!! AAAAAAA *gets devoured by Fern*

Lifeguard: NOOO!! SWIMMER!! I LOVED YOU!!!!!
by SketchyOtakuLol February 12, 2021
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massive snake with weird eyes
omg that ferns such a snake and slag
by james.rice01 November 14, 2022
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very cool group of people who have matching profile pictures and display names on twitter
person 1: the fern cult is great
person 2: yes i agree
(everyone loves fern cult)
by kickin trash November 10, 2022
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Guy: You see that Dirty Fern?
Guy 2:Yeah they are so cool!
by SpoopyPlant March 5, 2022
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