Dr. Pepper is to white people what kool aid is to black people.
D'quan: Man, whacho favorite drink?
Chad: Well, my favorite drink is...
D'quan: Wait, you white so its gotta be Dr. Pepper
by shoelessloons December 5, 2010
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Jesus in a can...

When He said "Hey this is my blood drink this up and you'll be awesome forever..." Yeah. Last Supper.

Well He wasn't talking about wine, that was Dr. Pepper in that Holy Grail. The whole "Last Supper" painting was about them arguing who would get the last sip of Dr. Pepper.

Again, that stuff is literally Jesus in a can.

Exerpt from rough draft of the Bible:

Luke 22:20
"And in the same way He took the cup after they had eaten, saying, "This cup which is filled with Dr. Pepper and poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood."
by Utzey March 9, 2009
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A fiery alcoholic cocktail made to simulate the taste of Dr. Pepper. Many recipes exist, however to make a Flaming Dr. Pepper you pour Armaretto into a shot glass, layer 151 proof rum on top, light it on fire, pour half a beer into a mug, drop the flaming shot into the beer and chug.
A Flaming Dr. Pepper is a fun party drink to impress people with. Just make sure you don't burn yourself carelessly like you always do you God Damn idiot.
by Caffeine February 26, 2004
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One who drinks one Dr. Pepper after another, unable to see the end in sight.
by Poopyboots April 21, 2005
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1) The greatest beverage known to mankind; possibly the greatest invention ever. Rivals sliced-bread and fire; no lie. Goes well with Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum.

2) Ridiculously better than the original 'Dr Pepper', and every other softdrink put together.

3) Can be used as payment for any services rendered, assuming the correct quantity is involved.

4) Also known as DDP.
My God in heaven; Diet Dr. Pepper is amazing. If only they had it in every country in the world, all of humanity would hold hands and sing Kumbai-a.

Man, I want a Captain-DDP right now; tastes great and gets you drunk at the same time!

Yo Maria, thanks for mailing that form for me; I owe you some serious DDP for that one.
by Dan Weissman and Maria too February 15, 2006
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A socially detrimental alcoholic beverage that is made with a shot glass and a short drinking glass. Fill the shot glass 3/4 with amaretto liquor and top it off with bacardi 151. Then set it on fire and drop it into the short glass full of beer then chug the resulting mixture. Going down the drink tastes just like a warm Dr. Pepper which is why your usually braindead wasted before you realize you've drank too many.
Hey man what happened to you last night you set the house on fire and took off down the highway naked? Oh i must have been drinking flamming Dr. Peppers.
by Ravestar August 25, 2009
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Any alcoholic beverage mix with the soft drink Dr. Pepper used in it. The M.D. standing for 'Mixed Drink' in this case.

Mainly just a
A: What are you guys drinking?
B: Just some Dr. Pepper - M.D.
by Lorne K May 29, 2007
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