1. To do something you don't want others to know about or what you shouldn't be doing, e.g., selling illicit drugs, assaulting others. A code phrase for being involved with some criminal activity.

2. To associate with people your friends and family regard as undesirable or beneath your dignity.

3. To take care of important business.
1. You gotta do what you gotta do to survive because there are no jobs available.

2. I know my friends think my boyfriend's no good, but I'm doing what I gotta do.

3. I'm doing what I gotta do to get something to eat.
by Stop the Pendulum March 13, 2006
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a elongated and confusing way to say that you finished your goal
guy-i did the do i needed to do to get the do done

that guy- excuse me, what?

guy- I'M DONE
by PURPLE SKOOTLES June 12, 2018
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Phrase attributed to 1930s movie star Carole Lombard after being exposed as having an adulterous affair with Clark Gable.
"At a hastily called press conference, the exasperated Lombard allegedly shouted, 'Cock-a-doodle-do! Any cock will do!' out of frustration.

"Needless to say, due to the times, none of those present printed her words, but bad blood continued between Lombard and an outraged Louella Parsons until Lombard's death."

-- Jim Bacon, "Gable & Lombard: A Romance Made in Hollywood" (Parade Magazine, November 25, 1963)
by Twathenge April 10, 2006
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A phrase that indicates you should directly do something, and make no other pit stops or detours along the way, because whatever precious activity is 100% over
As soon as I heard shots in the parking lot at the concert, I went straight home. I did not pass go, did not collect $200! (Do not pass Go! Do not collect $200!)
by wineplease93 February 26, 2022
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A phrase used when in the heat of the moment. Similar to "Let's do the damn thang", "Let's get down" or "Let's do this shit." Most commonly used when pre-partying, raging or playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on Xbox Live.
by Tony Baxter February 24, 2010
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