The term used to describe an idiot or prat, when they have or have not done something correctly or to your directions
What you bloody doing? Bloody Dingo!
by hickyfunkymonkey October 19, 2006
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The natural enemey of a test-tube baby.

Joke referring to the Azaria/Lindy Chamberlain case in Australia in the early 80's. Lindy's baby daughter Azaria was taken from a central Australian campsite by a dingo. Lindy was convicted of her murder but the baby's jacket was found in a dingo's den a few years later and the conviction was overturned.

"A dingo's got moi baibee!" (and no, we do NOT talk like that, or the Bart vs. Australia episode of The Simpsons! Just thought I'd clear that up!)
Q. What's the natural enemy of a test tube baby?
A. A dingo with a straw!
by Choda Boy 57 August 24, 2006
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When you wake up next to an ugly girl the morning after and would rather chew your arm off to escape than wake her up.
"Dude why is your arm missing?"
"I had dingo sex last night"
by xzibit206 September 10, 2006
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A slang term to describe the popular Australian lager, Fosters.

Comes from the fact that a dingo is a type of Australian wild dog, and Fosters generally tastes like Australian wild dog piss.
Chav at the bar: "I'll have a pint of Dingo piss, and a blue WKD for the lady please mate."

Landlord: "Have you got any ID? You look about 12. And take your hat off inside my pub you scruffy bugger."
by ciba June 5, 2007
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Breasts with nipples so ferocious, that they appear as though they would rip your face off. Also, they lactate profusely.
My friend has dingo titties.
by D.Shaw October 16, 2007
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yer dingo is the best comeback ever. If you are destroyed by a roast don't worry, by saying yer dingo your career has been saved.
Jeff: Hi boss whats up?
CEO: Your mom gay
Jeff: Yer dingo
CEO* dies...
by yer dingo69 August 20, 2020
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An Australian person born is autrailia who left the country at an early age
Ralph moved to live in Ireland when he was smaller. He's a dingo baby.
by BigBigly February 3, 2017
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