Desiree is a very kind and beautiful girl who is very smart but doesn't use effort a lot of boys secretly like her but cant tell her how the feel because the popular boys don't like her
by dottybby June 30, 2020
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An amazing person who never failure to make you laugh. She is very respectful to who you are and knows boundaries. Even though she has been though a lot she is always smiling. She loves making others feel good. But if someone is mean or intentionally hurts her or her friends... RIP... She always thinks about others and wants the best for them. She is so pretty! She is just amazing all around... Plus she might have a friend named Athena which makes her even cooler, LOL!
Athena: Yea, Desiree is the bestest person ever!
Some whore: She seems like such a hoe.
Athena: You are just jealous. Better watch your back.
Desiree: She said WHAT????
by NotathenA September 13, 2021
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An amazing person who is normally shy and introverted but has a great personality. She's normally very clumsy (for example: she drops her phone very often). Everyone likes her even though she doesn't know it yet. A lot of guys wish they could they date her because so pretty and awesome. She's great and anyone who meets a Desiree would be lucky to have the chance.
"I wish Desiree would talk more often"
"Wow, Desiree is really pretty"
by YesImAnExtrovert November 21, 2021
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A Desiree is someone who fancies the tabooed themes of pornography, often in terms of powerful people such as Donald Trump and Barrack Obama performing anal sex after their full moon transformation into the infamous Night Naggers

A Desiree is also considered very seductive and may seduce you to try stuff you never could have dreamed of such as pegging or even convince you to become a pedophile
Oh god he's such a pedo he must have been in a relationship with a Desiree before
Did you see her web history of Trump fandom? Yuck! She's such a Desiree
by LiterallySatanxD January 3, 2017
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Desiree is a desiree. She comes from the holy potato gods who made her gay. She also l o n g compared to the human society. She also can kachow her braincells to hell time to time.
Person 1: Oh my god did you see the french fry??
Person 2: Oh yeah thats Desiree.
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