A self entitled douch who talks down to people he doesn't like and always brags about himself and his stuff
Man deacon was being such a show off today

Wow I can't believe deacon talked like that to me
by Ill-ridden May 6, 2020
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When you put your dick into anything.
She wouldn't shut up so I put my deacon it.
by Platinum Knight December 13, 2020
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the coolest sexiest man ever: he’s so cool and sexy and fabulous and amazing and a superstar. I love him so much and i hope he loves me too.
wow deacons so sexy……
by theamazingspiderman69 June 20, 2023
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Deacon is the name of one of the best families in the world! If you ever see them you will be very lucky.
The Deacon Family is the best.
by Inch-wigged October 5, 2023
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A small person who says is strong but is extremely weak and acts like the small dick he has. He doesn't have that many friends because he can be easily overlooked. The only way he can be noticed is if a person is smart enough to acknowledge the small importances in life. He mentions that he can beat anyone (but let's face it, a 5-feet person against a 6-8 feet person, who would you think would win.) and doesn't use his brain at all which makes him an idiot.
person: oh hey i didn't notice that small kid over there
other person: his name is Deacon apparently
person: is he still in 1st grade?
other person: probably
by CheekyScrubLord999 May 8, 2018
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A Male Deacon .
A Office Holder - of a Religion.
2nd Rank , Under A Priest

High Priest
Regular Priest
She a great deaconess !
Deacon-ness pronunciation.
by House of Yahweh July 24, 2023
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a kid who is very good a video games and his cock is so large that is penetrates to earths atmosphere, not even nasas camera technology can get his cock in 1 frame.
holy shit is that deacon i heard is cock is bigger than the earth itself
by mr baconator April 14, 2021
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