That one christmas tree that just has something off. It would be perfect to cut down and bring home if it werent for the fact that one side is disproportional, its bent at the bottom, smells weird, etc. Also applicable to people.
This tree is perfect!

It leans to the left.
Oh its an Awkward Christmas tree
by J_tits November 11, 2011
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1. Start with a Dude on the bottom,

2. Stack the participants from largest to smallest,

3. Has to have, the main stem the "penis in the ass" that or a strap on.

4. The way to stack depends on the use you can do a starfish formation or stack up 90 degrees after the last stacked person.

Extra: For the Frosted Tree continue to do it after the ejaculation for a nice coating of winter white

PS. *Fun for the entire family*
John: How was putting up the tree, for Christmas eve?
Tim: Oh it was amazing, though we accidentally split some winter white on the floor
John: Oh did the pine tree have pre frosting on it?
Tim: no, WE made the frosting, all 8 of us ;}
John: oh the Alabama Christmas tree?
Tim: want to be the top star?
by Monke_man January 21, 2021
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Something that people are addicted to holy frick why
A : I love these christmas tree cakes! *spams them in the group chat*
Everybody else : WhYYYYY
by foxlife37 December 15, 2020
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a tree, most are fake but the rare few humans can find a good quality one in a tree farm. Santie Clause puts gifts underneath the tree after you decorate it with bells, ribbons, ornaments etc. Santie Clause leaves after breaking and entering while you sleep. In the morning you go and open the gifts that Santie Clause(AKA- your legal guardian and other family members) put their and are either real disappointed or real happy.
“Bro santie clause definitely left me a phone under the Christmas tree this year!”
by imavocabularist January 15, 2020
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