Home of the Golden Eagles
Located in a small town of Pennsylvania
If you are from Africa and like basketball, then I'm sure you'll get recruited.
Kennedy Catholic High School recruits for basketball.
by WillBillMan December 27, 2017
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A high school in Burien, WA that is home to every stereotype possible and is considered extremely gay by almost everyone around. Another commonly used phrase to describe it is "paying for public education" because compared to the other private high schools around, it is shit. Other than the few super cool teachers there, the faculty is super annoying and likes to threaten the students with taking away prom if they don't go to all the other dances. When in reality, all of the other dances suck so no one wants to go to them. The school is also thought of as having a bunch of goodie two-shoe kids when in actuality, those kids only make up about 1/4 of the student body. Another 1/4 are the druggies and another is the actual drug dealers. The last 1/4 is the exchange students that tend to stay in their own groups and probably make fun of everyone else in their own language. But the few cool people there make the school awesome and overall it is a hellabomb school where anyone can feel welcome. (:
-"I secretly wish I could go to kennedy catholic high school... it looks so cool."
-"Dude... you're so gay."
by yo homie from da streets December 2, 2011
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everyone who goes there is an idiot and everyone in Stamford and local areas know it. People who go there attended St. Cecilia's, Holy Spirit, Our Lady Star of the Sea, Sacred Heart, and for middle school they went to Trinity Catholic Middle School (aka St. Gabriel's). People who go there are retarded but think they are really smart. They also think it is actually a good school.
The best college anyone ever gets into from Trinity Catholic High School is Boston College.
by anonymouspersonshhh January 20, 2009
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A nice, Catholic, co-ed high school in a nice section of Stamford, Connecticut. Students who attend were very cute uniforms. Most students are preppy(the nice kind, not snotty) but there are also the typical high school cliques such as punks, goths, and nerds. If you ever step foot inside TCHS beware of the midget who is currently a freshmen. I'm not sure what his name is but he freaks me out. Also, watch out for their basketball team. They kick ass.
by RAS15 April 14, 2005
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Ever wonder where the kids with million dollar houses and hundred thousand dollar cars? Yeah, you've found the place. Charlotte Catholic is basically the school everyone sends their kids to so that they can get a good education, but they end up at ECU. Drugs are rampant, sex is everywhere, and bullying is horrible. Yet somehow, parents think they're doing the best for their little kiddies.

Also, fun fact. Ardrey Kell and Providence students on average take double the amount of advanced placement courses as Catholic kids.
Joe: "You going to the Charlotte Catholic High School football game?"
Bob: "Naaa, I'm going to stay home and procrasterbate."
by TheRealSlimShady(no,notthatone November 13, 2010
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DePaul is known for there excellent football team and hot girls that vape 24/7 and think there the shit! The girls only base guys off there popularity and how old they are and not even off there personality…in this school “all girls are the sameJuice world quote.
DePaul Catholic high schoolis a fun place to f*ck around and hook up with girls.
by Teachers pet in DePaul October 6, 2021
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