A laseck brewer is defined as a very sexy creature who will Fuck you if not careful so keep those holes closed ladies (and also men a laseck brewer can be gay for you if sexy enough)
Mmm Laseck Brewer is hot
by Jnick6942069 October 20, 2022
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An acting technique used to gain a better understanding of tempo and pauses within a scene.

To 'win the game' you must speak your line, then pause 3-counts while making eye contact with scene partner, then say "Qua" /kwa/. Repeat process through each line until completed.
Teacher: Go with your scene partner and try the Brewer-Beckett Tactic in your scenes.
by Fibgo April 28, 2021
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Gods gift to woman, A mans man

Lovable hugable kind of guy
The kind of man to stay faithful to
The kind of man that u want to be with
by JefBrew April 3, 2018
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Hottest girl ever. If you have her, keep her. She is loving and caring. If you have her you are lucky
by Ohyeadaddy January 27, 2017
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A cranky sarcastic old man with a penis the size of texas.
I know he has a sign that says get off my lawn but he really is a micheal brewer.
by Jmb33 March 1, 2018
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A man who likes to engage in sexual activities with multiple other men. Refuses to have sexual intercourse with females. Prefers large black males.
Do you hear that? That’s another Daniel Brewer getting tag teamed by a group of men.
by Olympusmons April 15, 2022
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