Tom just got paid from working on the pipeline. Tom is living BAF. Be like Tom.
by m00n B May 11, 2018
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A Baf is short for a "Best Ass Friend". Someone who is an ass, but you still love them to death. Ideally someone of the opposite sex. Adding the "ass" in there is also a way of saying you really love that person. Flirty.
"Hey Stella, nice haircut!"

"Thanks Baf!"
by DestineeLane May 27, 2009
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noble: yo you're so baf
chad: haha no you. can you even do 90's
by wqsabi June 12, 2019
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When you are high/blazed as fuck.
Referring to weed or a sesh ( smoking weed)
josh: what are you upto?
Dave: nothing just had a baf

Josh: oh true, any bafs?
Dave: nah, get fucked
by Joilmn July 2, 2017
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A cool event designed to share ideas and get feedback.
They organised a baf and were then able to communicate properly. It worked wonders!
by trusthenerd January 24, 2018
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The head rush you get after intaking nicotine.
“Dude I’m so baffed right now.”
by Cool kid 😎 February 16, 2020
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