Atla is the best and most intelligent person on earth. She dosen't watch power rangers. she have a girlfreind named Alberte. she likes caps. She is very stupid and doesn't want to admit her crush on Alberte.
You know nothing Atla Härtel. You cant beat me. I HAVE THE POWER OF GOD AND ANIME ON MY SIDE!AHHHHHHHHH
Atla is uninteligent,"because im batman". "Atla is the most stupid... the old lady said it herself". "Atla likes Alberte because they are perfect for each other."
by Penguingrump y June 18, 2019
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Atlas is a kind, handsome guy. Everybody ends up having crushes on him because of that. Even though there is competition, he always chooses the best one ( cough* cough* sage <3 ). He always tells the funniest jokes and keeps the conversation entertaining. Legend says he even wishes his friend's happy birthday at exactly 12:00. Everybody who knows him knows that he will never break your trust. And he expects you to do that same as well. But the best part about him is that he knows when to comfort you and exactly how to do it <3 For all these reasons, Atlas I'd the best name and best human being on the face of earth :)
Hey Atlas! You are so handsome and I want to makeout with you! -Sage <3

Hey Sage! Uh.. Um, I'm too alpha to kiss you rn. Accidentally kisses sage* -Atlas <3
by Sageypoob January 14, 2023
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A strange person,weird has broken humour usually has sus friends plays lots of video games.
who likes Atlas he do be strange
by someone dum March 1, 2022
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Atlas is one of the most chronically online people you will ever meet. They use so much online slang you can’t understand them. They think they are better than you because of their “morale”, but then continue to be a bigot. TLDR; a chronically online hypocrite.
“Oh, that guy over there is such an Atlas.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means he’s a chronically online, bigoted, hypocrite
by FleurSea December 3, 2022
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Cutest dog that Thomas loves the most ^-^
Thomas' love for Atlas is factually larger than Steph's
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A dutch beer made in 1920 in Breda (Netherlands).
""Man, I'm thursty this thursday. Care for an Atlas?"
by MannyPlays October 4, 2018
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one of the best rappers to ever exist
yo bro atlas is such a good rapper
by UserNotFound596 March 24, 2021
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