a reigatian term for stealing. If something has gone missing, someone (namely Peters himself) has peters-ed it. A peters-ed incident is identifiable as something that is completely useless in purpose or value, and has gone missing. those that spot this burglary should all utter in unison PETERS..

can also describe lying on ones back when about to score in hockey. one who performs this seemingly impossible feat is said to be in a state of peters.
'peters came to my house last weekend, and peters-ed my guitar amp. i only found out when he told me.'

'theres a ball missing from this atom arrangement diagram.. PETERS..'

look at that peters lying on the ground when the cross came in..
by bigfathobbit November 24, 2009
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peter is gay and has a chode
your so gay peter
by fgghgghyh March 20, 2019
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A lovely young lad whos farts smell like vegetables
that smells like peter!
by deez nits January 31, 2016
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Sticking your fingers into her vagina and then quickly into her mouth while shouting PETER !!!
Gosh he Petered her really well!
by x Not the guy next to you x April 11, 2019
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Verb: To automatically friend zone yourself. Usually via gestures of helping a prospective female with help for exams or classwork.
Man: Hey look at that guy hitting on that girl!

Man #2: He'll probably Peter that situation up.
by chobani October 8, 2010
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Is the hottest, funniest, kindest guy I’ve ever met. Whoever he wife’s up is going to be one incredibly lucky girl.
by His future wifey September 1, 2023
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