Something somebody will say when they are in a relationship with somebody they never loved, they may have felt pressured to accept a confession or we're just trying to play with somebody's feelings and felt bad about it later.
by Internet_Axle October 24, 2022
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Vehicular film from the summer of 2005, which starred Lindsay Lohan, Michael Keaton and Matt Dillon, whom played the very manipulating, self obsessed arsehole Trip Murphy to Maggie Peyton, whom was the character played by Lohan, whom eventually got her way at the end with her Volkswagen Beetle, also known as Herbie!
Dude, you seen that movie Herbie The Love Bug?
Hell yeah, it was one that I always watched in my childhood!
by Emmy Emmett December 21, 2020
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A "grim grins" remark made by a gambling-addiction counsellor when asked how his establishment is doing.
Gamblers Anonymous director: So far today, we've had two homeless men, five working-class folks without a scrap of food in the house, three grandparents who squandered their offspring's college-funds, and one "chronic" moocher come through our doors --- and their deplorable statuses are all due to their gambling addictions! Just another lovely day in pairadice!
by QuacksO December 12, 2018
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The act of engaging in sexual intercourse with your partner, and right before climax, hitting your partner upside the head, stealing their purse or wallet, and throwing them down a flight of stairs
Yo did you here bout marcus? he got arrested for assault and robbery last week. Gave that bitch some good Thugy Love
by BroseffStallin November 9, 2014
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A person who loves a certain type of face; unconditionally.
A: so who are you going after?
B: The one that looks like King Francois!
A: You always going for that look of face; you are in love with the King’s face!
B: is that bad?
A: you want your men to look as if they were from one tree??? Hahaha

B: oh, pshhhh!
by Mrs Mrs Mrs March 14, 2023
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