The act of drinking beer while taking a shower. The ultimate multitask.
I was running late for the pregame so I took a frat shower.
by Tyler Forbes Mason December 3, 2010
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When you get in your shower and find a dead hampster inside and pick it up and begin to furiously fuck it until it falls apart and goes down the drain and fucks up your water supply then you finish your shower angrily.
Friend:Jim why are you so pissed off?

Jim:” I just had an angry shower
by Revive. survive. strive. February 23, 2018
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The ability to do something because you are in the shower which you would normally be prohibited from doing thanks to social standards.
Joe: "gah, I really need to blow my nose."
Joe in shower: *blows nose and does not need a tissue* "man, what a great shower power"
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the action of farting into a partner's open mouth; comparable to a golden shower or brown shower, but without tangible evidence
This slut was like, "You fucker!! You just silent showered me," and I was like, "Prove it bitch, I don't smell anything."
by Fudge Factory October 31, 2007
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when alcoholic beverages rain down on your head at a party.
There was a beer shower on Karlie and Allison when Wendell held up his cup to cheer and accidentally poured it out over everyone.
by Karlie and Allison September 1, 2007
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Taking sub 3 minute showers mainly to get your hair wet, then coming back to the room and dousing yourself in cologne forcing everyone else in the room to evacuate.

However, when a Spangler shower is not taken, a distinct onion smell will start to spread throughout the room; also calling for evacuation.
Matt goes to the shower room while his roommates are playing video games. Before they get through the first quarter, Matt is already back and dried off.

Andrew- "Matt, you're back already?"
Matt- "Yea...why?"
Ryno- "Yo Andrew, he just got back from a Spangler Shower!"
by Luke Holland November 9, 2007
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The cuban shower is very hard to explain. It is a long and complicated process that involves too many steps to fully describe. Few women, other then those who are originally from Cuba can successfully give one. It involve steps that are very similar to getting head but for some reason MUCH more pleasurable. If a man gets a cuban shower once in his life he is lucky.
Man 1- I got a cuban shower last night!
Man 2- Thats fucking know that like NEVER happens
Man 1- Dude it totally happened...Martha is actually cuban
Man 2- Holy shit dude! Holy shit!
by CubanShowers December 30, 2009
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