Will have dye their hair. Usually kind and outgoing. They love drawing and vibing.
I love vibing with Amber's girlfriend
by Kenzie52 January 1, 2021
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A place where Amber's go when they have Megan as a side kick. It's a place only they understand and laugh about. Only Megan and Amber would get it. Don't even try to understand the deep connection these two friends have. Unbreakable.
"Hey meg, lol remember that time we...."
"Omg yes I do lol it was the best"
" Yup and omg amber we just did it again.."
"Whats that?"
"We totally forgot about everything and everyone else again lol"
"I guess we did. I guess we are in Mega-Amber world...owell"
by Pixieluvdust May 17, 2019
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The sweetest most caring,open-minded,warm,giving,uplifting,best friend any man or woman can have.She is wonderful,
pleasant to be around and the most incredible friend any one person can have.#I love you bro.
by Precious Warrior December 13, 2017
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When you’ve had a rowdy night full of booze, then added on a nightcap shotgun that you didn’t need before sexy time that comes back up on his chest and mid section while performing fellatio.
Bro, I got the most sick Amber Avalanche from my girl last night. She definitely needed that last beer to accomplish.
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Wife of Dan Kibbee (a.k.a. Big Walter) Short, sexy, and a perfect match for Dan Kibbee. Quiet at first, vocal, opinionated, analytical, and a pinch of crazy.
Mike: "Yo dude, did you see that woman in the mall giving a chair massage?"

Ryan: "Ya man, she's super chill. That's Amber Kibbee."
by Joker Girl February 11, 2014
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When she won’t swallow the load so you blow it in her ear .
You then send out an Amber Alert to find the missing children .
She knew her phone was going to blow up after I Amber Alerted my kids into her ear .
by Benderover71 April 18, 2023
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