The most difficult skateboard trick ever. You make a nollie , but you land on your hands and flip to your hands while your board is doing a 360 , you land on your feet again and do a kickflip and you and with an impossible .
It's important that you do it in this order.
He is so good in skating, he's the only I know who can do a flop drop nollie!
by Die ene kutleerkracht November 10, 2019
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The truest thing one can ever hear. The Tom in “Tom Flopped” refers to a bad owner of a server that is only good because of its members.
by pork sushi September 20, 2021
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Where you Dina handstand and try to click back onto your feet, but end up landing on your butt.
Sage did her gymnastics routing with cartwheels, flips and rounded it off with a Kirsty flop
by Jihad Mike July 13, 2019
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When performing “69”, the bodies flip (literally flip) positions.
Sabrina and Matthew flip flopped last night.
by austinmoore06 June 3, 2020
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Pronoun meaning that somebody is very hippity hoppity flippity floppity, like a wet strand of tagliatelle.
Flip flop loved to do the worm on evary occasion.
by Saran Doynkus July 19, 2022
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something you wear on your feet in the summer.
some people like to wear them in the snow.
flip flops are often smelly.
person2: just wear some flip flops!
person1: GOOD IDEA!
person1: nice and coool

by ongmam123 May 31, 2009
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Regular Verb; transitive

To tie a brick to the male donkey's genitalia in order to step onto it so that the animal squeezes his rectum around the person's penis. It is a common practice of the Colombian Caribbean Coast and northern regions of Brazil in which male teenagers (sometimes adult men) subjugate donkeys to have sex with them. It is considered a cultural practice in the Colombian Caribbean Coast that determines whether a teenager has become a "real man"; people have attributed it an aphrodisiac connotation assuring that it enlarges the size of the penis. Its name comes from the Spanish "chancletear" (to flip-flop).
I flip-flop every day.
That guy is flip-flopping a donkey.
He just flip-flopped his mule.
Has he flip-flopped any donkeys yet?
That guy spends his mornings flip-flopping.
by ElButifarrero May 25, 2022
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