Walking into someone's room while they're sleeping with a frying pan in one hand and a wooden spoon in the other hand and proceeding to bang them together whilst inside the room.
#1: Hey bro you look tired.
#2: Yeah. My sister gave me a military alarm clock this morning.
by bossofpiza November 23, 2016
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12 shots, usually taken in a short period of time. Can also pertain to gunplay, but usually associated with liquor
I can drink a clock of shots, and not even get a buzz. But give me two beers, and I'm done.
by Zigbigidorlu January 22, 2013
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The turbin wearing guy that blows himself up in the morning
Wow my new Arabic alarm clock is great! Too bad it's a one-use only item
by Master of the Black Stache January 9, 2017
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The same as milk (or milking) the clock,
but while you are staying on the clock beyond the end of your shift you are in the bathroom taking a long dump.
Are you going home right away?

No that burrito I had for lunch is talking to me.

I think I am going to stay for a bit and fertilize the clock.
by MechisX October 17, 2016
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What you multiply your work hours by to get in 8 hours a day
He got here at 10 and left at 4, what gives? Oh wait, he is running a 1.33 clock multiplier.
by ClownShoes123 July 6, 2010
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