Anyone who resembles a Lachlan
I met this bloke with the other night called Lachlan I have never heard so much yarn in my life
by Kingyarn69 October 18, 2020
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The term used in male prisons, mostly located in the midwest, for good ol knitting.
To knit doesn't seem as masculine as yarn wrangling for these boys.
by Phatcatwithastach February 7, 2020
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used in describing people that have uncanny or gullible thoughts. Mainly used before he/she thinks of something uncanny or gullible thing to do, or after doing it.
Example 1:
Person 1: hey, i have a great idea! why don't we put toothpaste in bread so that we don't have to toothbrush anymore?
Person 2: bro... baka naman bobo yarn.

Example 2:
Person 1: *ate bread with toothpaste*
Person 2: bro... why you gotta do that? baka naman bobo yarn.
by MetaMemePlayer February 8, 2022
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