The name of a syndrome taken after the plagerism controversy surrounding British Rock Band Coldplay's award winning hit song Viva la Vida

Can be applied to any situation where something is increadibly well liked and successful to the point of where others will do anything to get a bit of the credit for it.

often exibits the Band Wagon Effect

rediculous accusations of plagerism in order to gain credit, money, or fame

and squabbling.... equatable to children fighting over the sparkley aqaumarine crayon at daycare
Satch: Viva La Vida's so successful hmmm.......wait, Everyone, I wrote it, its mine!

Cat Stevens: NO! everyone knows I wrote the melody for Viva la Vida

Gunther: No I did!

Creeky Boards: it was our first!

Enanitos Verdes: Satriani lies, our song Frances Limon came out way before If I Could Fly; the melody to Viva la Vida is ours! Satch stole it! and Coldplay too!

Coldplay: fuck off, all of you tossers!

Random Person: oh no! Its Viva la Vida Syndrome!

*world explodes
by Ajaxxx January 28, 2010
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A common phrase used during the Totse uprising. Coined by manhuntiee who was trying to start a revolution against the corrupt mods(snoopy)

This however lead to manhuntiee's ban.
viva la revolvution
uprise against the corrupt mods and take back totse for the people
we will no longer be slaves to corrupt mods!!!!!!1111
by eiwtes January 18, 2005
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a cry of Bohemians in the Musical "Rent" meaning "Long Live Bohemia"
by Renthead July 20, 2005
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A phrase used after the declassification of pluto from planet to dwarf planet. A person who uses this phrase strongly believes that pluto should be and is a full planet. Commonly used in the same sentence as the phrase 'ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind' the 'nobody' mainly reffering to pluto
A - "Pluto is not a planet, i can prove it eith my many scientific stud-"
by Yourlocalcorpse March 20, 2020
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When you cream pie a black chick on her period.
God damn Latisha was a smoke show! I gave her a wicked viva puff!
by fuzzygorrila June 30, 2023
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When u kill someone in a video game and for get to teabag
"man i got this sick kill yesterday"
"Did u teabag him"
"Nah viva le teabag"
by PickleRickwubba March 23, 2018
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Means 'Long Live the Tommy Tankers' in Italian.
Did you see one of The Tommy Tankers' players has just chinned Sugartits? Viva la Tommy Tankers!
by benji2004 September 12, 2021
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