Not looking like an idiot when one is typing. Being able to spell out words correctly.
God you're and idiot! You can't even spell
by Liz March 6, 2004
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A euphemism for marijuana. Instead of explicitly asking a random person for an illegal substance, it is used out of politeness and legal reasons.
Old hippy guy: Hey man... you got any spell books?
Emo kid: I think my mom might have one.
by Ryan Guide December 10, 2007
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Spelling something out for an actual idiot. Can be done by individual words or letters
by Eboi September 18, 2018
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Also known as "DS", it's a form of atrocious spelling and grammar popularized by none other than a person named Devin Smith. It's most commonly used in real life, where the person has no clue how ridiculous and immature they sound due to their pathetic form of speech. It can also be used over the internet, where the person types with the intelligence of a 4-year old.
Dude 1: "Dude, so i hurd u liek mudkipz?"

Dude 2: "Dude, stop the devin spelling."
by natetodamax March 13, 2009
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A technique of spelling in which one takes great steps in butchering the most simple of names.
John becomes Jonh
Ian becomes Eien

What the hell is that gibberish on the side of your cappuccino?
Oh, I think that was a sad attempt at my name. You can never tell with Starbucks Spelling...
by ERINNNN!! September 13, 2009
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Spelling competition for grades four through eight.
I almost one my school's spelling be twice, but fell short both times.
by Diggity Monkeez February 3, 2005
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