Technology/computing-based pun: it took nearly 3 hours for the Titanic to sink on April 14th 1912 so the pun can be used when files take longer than expected to sync.

Sync is the homophone of sink.

Sync being the abbreviation for synchronization or the process of keeping dataset copies consistant between one another in a computer system/network.

Sink meaning for something to go below the surface of water.
Jacob: Wow it's taking 3 hours for my files to sync with the network when it should have only taken 1 hour!
Jillian: Well you can say it's syncing slower than the titanic.
Jacob: Ah nice computer geek pun there!
by awesomagic November 15, 2011
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When someone is completely and utterly synced with their soulmate
My Husband and I are so butler'd (synced) that we chose the same wedding rings independently of each other
by Metal Munkey September 7, 2022
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When two or more friends startgeeking” in unison.
Bro me and Jared cheifed so phat and went into geek sync foreverrr
by Motorbump January 26, 2019
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An athletic term referencing when the whole team masturbates and then climaxes at the same time. Every player will then be synced in mind and body, allowing them to perform at maximum capacity.
Alright boys we’ve got a big game tonight... team sync in the locker room at 6?
by Deekan Log March 21, 2020
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"Hey Babe, we are totally In-Sync!"
by an eddie September 21, 2020
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The process of accidentally sitting on your own testicle and it gets stuck in your asshole.
"Oh shit i just sunk my cue!"

"I'm syncing the cue right now, got a problem?"
by jonas hemingway December 31, 2011
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A state in which Allie and Mauro think, talk, or behave the same simultaneously.
Allie and Mauro gave each other keys to their own respective apartments at the same time as a christmas gift surprise. Their syncness is the shit.
by mauromcc December 24, 2020
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