One who is within the parameters of 0-36 months of age that becomes involved in any type of sexual activity, including, but not limited to fellatio, anal or vaginal intercourse, with the intention of receiving cash, credit, or debit pay in full for exchange of said stated sexual favors.
"So John Doe, saw you picking up a prostitot on the East Side." "Ya, it was her second birthday, so i took her out to the Chuck-E-Cheese's before i skull-fucked the shit out of her."
by bucky_b May 23, 2008
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A midget whore or very young small chick whore
My nine year old sister is a prostitot, she sleeps with all my friends and their brothers.
by JRDITH June 14, 2008
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prostitute+tot= Prostitotbop

a young girl (a tot) who is a massive slut. (prostitute bop)
prostitot bop anyone whos under 18 that dresses, acts or partakes in acts that make them a slut, is now reffered to a prostitotbop. often the cause of breaking up a relationship
by creativeheartbreak November 8, 2010
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a small child that has been entered into the world of prostitution.

or a small child whose mother dresses them up like a whore.
That small child, yeah that one over there, is a prostitot. Look at her very small skirt and the tiny shirt shes wearing. Shes like 3!
by yomamaishawt June 30, 2012
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young girl around age 12 to 15 that puts out to much
Yo Diana Roth is such a prostitot
by papa l dog September 10, 2011
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A young girl, generally 11-16 years old, who dresses and acts too old for her age in order to fit in. They are most commonly found drunk at parties of an older social crowd.

AKA: Prostitute In Training
"Do you think she's 18, or a prostitot?"
by IBWSyNN April 11, 2009
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When a Tot (child) or group of Tots dress skanky or look like prostitutes.
"Man, look at those prostitots! What are they, like 12 years old? Prime picking!!"
by Big JR April 19, 2009
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