You and your bois like this song but don't wanna admit it yall frkn jam to this shi at night bro we know
Bro that song was fkn fire whats it called. Shi bro its 8 o clock in the morning. Bro wtf whats the song. Bro idek man all I know is Its 8 o clock in the mornin
by Imadechinglito August 10, 2021
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A quicker way of saying 5:00 A.M.
~phone rings~
Person 2: Hello…
Person 1: Yo, Derp!
Person 2: Dude… WTF! It's five in the morning!
Person 1: I know that it's T-Pain o' Clock, but hear me out!
by Derpshotz July 8, 2013
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the time of day when everyone gets free rim jobs
Dale be at the library for rim o clock
by DaleTheTrapSnail October 30, 2015
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The time of day where a gentleman or a woman stops all other activity to tend to his or her hoes through various social media platforms, mostly snapchat. The most common hoe o' clock is at 11 pm but can vary greatly. It often interferes with a mans gaming schedule since a man cannot snap hoes with a headset on.
Oh wow would you look at that, it´s Hoe o' clock, time to stop gaming and tend after my hoes!
by Hi Im fat May 23, 2020
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Shades O' Clock: The point in time where one has been up for so long that all light one comes in contact with is nearly blinding... Simply meaning its time to put on the sunglasses. Non doucey, completely understandable to someone that parties hardy.
Dude, the suns coming up! It's definitely Shades O' Clock.
by OnlyPeopleWhoParty December 3, 2014
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The hour in video games where Japanese players are the most active. Expect to get absolutely destroyed by players who are 10x above your skill level.
Friend 1: "Man, we're getting absolutely destroyed by the enemy team every game now!"
Friend 2: "It's more than likely Japan 'o Clock at the moment."
by MysticTactician May 14, 2022
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