This is the term a huge faggot wearing a set of Army camo fatigues would whisper to you as you stick your penis into a glory hole at a gay sex shop.
"As the line of queers lined up for blow jobs, Steve Jordan sat with his mouth glued to the hole and whispered 'C@MB'....come at me bro."
by huda358 January 14, 2013
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someone with a large but sexy forehead. Unfortunately they stress too much which leads to the loss of their hair.
Damn she's a fine ass julietta mb
by shiftyteammm March 6, 2022
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The walk that the group Mindless Behavior does at the end of their video "Mrs.Right"
When you leave class,you have to hit that MB Swag Walk
by MindlessMiss143 September 28, 2011
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The moderately successful attempt to gain national recognition by either beating the ever-loving tar out of one of your preselected friend's lives, getting tasered in front of a public event by people who would ordinarily have cameras, or otherwise undertaking an act of douchbaggery so inexplicable and unimportant that it only becomes remotely funny when seen from With luck and maybe the assistance of a t-shirt printer, you may actually gain notoriety and fame for a day.
Dude, I watched Pedro try for his 15 MB of Fame when he had his family videotape him giving himself an Angry Dragon in front of The Governator during the 6:30pm newscast.
by BullSchmutz May 22, 2008
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The Iowa State University Cyclone Football "Varsity" Marching Band. Hails from, where else, Iowa State University in Ames, IA. Not only one of the best and largest bands in the land (350 strong) but, as well as possesing the longest acronym of any band, is also one of the smartest. Afterall, when a full third of the band is made up of engineering majors, its a pretty good sign that most of the band is pretty sharp academically. Also the home of many proud traditions, including everything from the myriad of elements in their pregame show to the ISUCF"V"MB Band Bible.
A Drum Major of the ISUCF"V"MB the week of the Iowa-Iowa State game: Which Big 12 university marching band is going to see the junior varsity marching band from the Big 10 play in Iowa City?

Band: Oh, Iowa State, Iowa State.
by Uncle Cy December 26, 2011
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