Derived from the movie "Bad Santa" this phrase has been ranked in the top most annoying questions. The beauty of it is simple. Most people after being asked repeatedly will get very annoyed, asking what "lettuce" means. In which case you can just say, "just lettuce..?"
Bob- How much lettuce do you want?

Random guy- I dont want none lettttuce!

Bob- o-kay!
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What James' Dad says when burying a dead hooker or trying to resolve any difficult situation.
"We have three dead hookers in our bathtub!"

"How do we make it go away?"
by James Cardwell April 5, 2008
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A phrase commenly used when high school students are suffering from the crouses of accounting, with a Sh-t load of homework
Teacher:this is for homework, 100 pages of reading and 400 excercises
by Drift.king September 13, 2008
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a place to help kids

owned by: Derek Zoolander
MUGATU: i present to you... THE DEREK ZOOLANDER CENTER FOR KIDS WHO CAN'T READ GOOD! (unveils a model of the center for kids who cant read good and want to learn how to do other stuff good too)

DEREK: ..what is this?! a center for ants?!?! how can we be expected to teach children how to read if they can't even fit inside the building?!
by 2 cool girl August 2, 2011
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the best pick up line that one could use; pairs especially well with a black beret, will get you the girl
by 🅱️ophie February 28, 2020
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A completely normal sentence.
Kid: Hey mom, how are you doing today? :D

Mom: I died 34 years ago
by Luigi One June 4, 2021
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