Homophobia Is NOT the fear of Homosexuality. Having Homophobia means someone will go out of their way to criticize people of the LBGT+ Community. They are assholes.
Jenna said that she has Homophobia, I think she’s just an ass
by EyelessJacksStan April 30, 2018
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The inexplicable and horrifying rage experienced upon realising that one is gay.
Corey's constant displays of aggressive homophobia were the most obvious sign that deep down he hated what gay men represented in himself.
by Climbing Gimp November 7, 2016
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A term for guys who can't stand to see two gay guys kiss or hold hands, but still watch lesbian porn
Selective Homophobia is all too common.

If it's guy on guy it's bad.

If it's girl on girl, it's all good.
by dragonsniper22 December 28, 2011
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No homophobia is not a fear of gay people, Its a word used to describe people who dislike and prejudice LGBTQ+ people.
Person 1 "That guy over there was calling me a dyke"
Person 2 "Looks like hes go a case of homophobia"
by Magicalgirlalex May 24, 2021
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